.ever the optimist.


 An open letter to summer 2013: 
Dear summer, hi, 
Yours, Bella. 

If you're in the UK then you've probably experienced at least a little snow in the last week. It's getting on my nerves. It's definitely March isn't? I haven't had some sort of horrific memory lapse and now we're in winter again have I? Despite the depressing weather I haven't let it get me down and I'm still slowly stocking up for an amazing summer to come. I've decided I want to at least have a go at self tanning this year as opposed to staying my usual paley-pale self all year round, I'm starting gently though, minimizing the risk of cheesy wotsit legs.
 These sunglasses are by John Galliano. I found them in TK MAXX for about £45 which I thought was pricey but really liked them, then a quick google search later I find out these babies are worth over £500! Not bad if I do say so myself! #bargainhunter.
 I'm also using the summer as an excuse to add to my nail polish collection. I've bought Coral by Barry M and Lucky Lucky Lavender by OPI. Both gorgeous shades, though as it's reverted back to winter a little bit I may need to buy more AW polishes! What a shame right?
 Are you still in the mood for summer? What have you been buying recently?


  1. I love those sunglasses so much! :)
    I wish the snow was gone too... It's just a pain -.-

    CAT - whatcsatsays.blogspot.co.uk XO

    1. Me too! Such a lucky find :) Yeah, hopefully it's just saving all the nice weather up for a long summer eh?

  2. Girrrrrl, summer is MY JAM. I've been baking coconut chocolate chip cookies and eating pineapples like they're going outta style because I can't wait for it to come the hell on. My favorite summery shades are Essie's Cute as a Button (hot coral pink) and Bikini So Teeny (shimmery sky blue).

    Is TK Maxx this UK equivalents to TJ Maxx in the states? Because TJ's is UHMAYZING and I'm always throwing money at that place. Your sunglasses are divine! I recently dropped some significant money on a fancy micro four-thirds, mirrorless Panasonic G5 camera so as to capture moments in pictures. Now if only I had the cash to plan a summer vacation on which to practice my photography near a beach, haha!

    1. coconut chocolate chip cookies!? That sounds NOMMY! I love Essie's Cute as a Button as well! Haven't tried Bikini So Teeny though :)

      I think it's the same thing... essentially overstock and out of season stuff from designer and 'label' brands. Ooh snazzy camera sounds snazzy! :D x


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