Blogger Book Swap With Toni


  At the beginning of February my friend, the lovely Beth, owner of Beth Tinkerbell organised a blogger book swap in which we were each paired up with another blogger, exchanged a few emails about our favourite types of books and went on the hunt with a £10 budget for some books to send to our swap partner. I was paired with Toni over at The Left of Perfect.
  Yesterday I received Toni's half of the swap and thought I'd show you what she chose for me. I did have to chase the postman down the street with my jeans on back to front to get them as when he rang the doorbell I was still snuggled up in bed in my pyjamas... it wasn't noon yet it was fine.

The three titles Toni sent me are perfect. I love things that are dark and a little twisted and I love a good fantasy series to sink my teeth into so I can't wait to curl up with these reads

The Gunslinger - Stephen King The first in a long running fantasy series that Toni tells me has a similarity to Game of Thrones (which we both love.) I love Stephen King's horror books but have never tried out his fantasy stuff so I'm looking forward to enjoying this and hopefully finding a new series to start obsessively devouring.

The Shining Girls - Lauren Beukes Toni loves crime fiction and said that she ordered a copy of this for me and one for herself too! It looks like a gripping thriller in a similar vein to Gillian Flynn and John Grisham, both authors that come very highly recommended so I'm hoping to be both impressed and slightly creeped out by it.

Wool - Hugh Howey Another in the seemingly endless flow of dystopian fiction. I usually get bored of book 'trends' really quickly but this one looks different from anything I've read yet. From what I gather it tells the story of a community of people living in an underground silo protected from the uninhabitable outside world, but things are not as simple as they seem. I've already read a few chapters and am really enjoying it. My mouth dropped open at one point and we're only a few chapters in! 

Really excited to get through these now I've got a bit of time over Easter so a big thank you to Toni for some fab additions to my bookshelves! Look out for reviews once I've read these and I'll let you know how I get on with them.

Thankyou for reading!
>> On Repeat . Dreams - Wet <<


  1. My mum is currently reading Wool and she was telling me about the plot yesterday, I definitely want to read it now!

    Love Beth | BethBlogsBeauty

    1. I'm enjoying it so far! Though it is a little long winded in parts but the story is very compelling. x

  2. What a fantastic thing to be a part of! Brilliant way of introducing new authors to fellow book worms and discovering new reads for yourself! Genius!! Great way to meet like minded folk too.

    I hope you enjoy the books! What does your partner think of the literature you sent her way?

    Gemma x
    Faded Windmills

    1. Thanks Gemma :) I'd love to do another, I might even organise one myself in the future. I don't know if she'll talk about them on her blog but from Toni's last email it sounded like she was really pleased so I'm glad. x

  3. Definitely need to get into reading again- I used to be such a book worm but have really let it slip in the last few years! Xx

    Beauty Soup | UK Beauty Blog

    1. I was the same, always had my nose in a book up until maybe five years ago and only really got back on the train maybe 18 months or so ago. Definitely give it a try, once I got back into the swing I started to really enjoy it again.

  4. I would love to do something like this, it's such a great idea! Looking forward to hearing your reviews of these!

    1. Thanks Lizzie, Hopefully they'll start coming up by the end of this month :)

  5. I would love to do a book swap, since doing literature at uni I have got really behind with reading for pleasure xxx

    1. I'm considering hosting my own towards the summer months, so if you're still interested then you'd be more than welcome :) x

  6. Yay! It's lovely to see the books you got :) I really think I need to read Wool, it has been recommended to me a couple of times and you've enticed me in a little more! x

    Beth Tinkerbell


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