.July's To Do List | De-Clutter and Create


Holy suncream Batman! Where is the year going!?
July really crept up on me, I was so busy getting myself together after coming back from uni I had no idea what the date was until my little brother 'pinch-punch-first-of-the-month'd me! SO mature.

But this month I really want to get some things done so I thought I'd share my July plans. They're quite indoorsy things as in August I have two holidays and a festival so I won't have time to get these things done between packing and preparing for funtimes and the actual having of said funtimes.

The first set of plans is basically getting myself organised and decluttering my room which, after 16 years of having an owner who doesn't like throwing anything away, is starting to get horribly just a bit out of hand. The second is about getting creative and inspired. As I said in August I've got a lot on and will have to spend a lot of time being outside and/or with other people so I won't have much time to myself and therefore won't have as much time to be creative (you try writing a novel with flatmates or parents looking over your shoulder. Off-putting to say the least!) so I'm allowing myself, when not at work or seeing friends, to dedicate June to really exercising my creative brain-power! 

01. Organising

 Have a massive makeup/beauty chuck-out >> My beauty and makeup preferences have changed so much over the past few years, but I still own a lot of the makeup I was wearing when I was 17! There are all sorts of frosty peach lipglosses and neon green eyeshadows (Oh lordy) cluttering up my drawers and sitting in bags that I'm never going to use again. I want to chuck all that out and condense my makeup down to the products I love and use regularly. That gives me space for more!
Donate my old/unwanted clothes >> Same story really. So much in my wardrobe that I just never wear! I'm going to dig right into the back of my wardrobe and pull out all the crap. The good stuff that just doesn't fit or isn't my style anymore I'll be donating to the various charity shops in my little hometown, and the things that I don't think anyone would really want to buy I want to give to a charity that gives clothes out to the homeless or those who simply can't afford clothes. Gets rid or my clutter, helps out other people and makes my soul a little shinier too. Win/Win!
♥ Create an official desk space to myself >> Unbelievably I actually have two desks in my room at home (as opposed to uni), but neither actually functions as a desk, more just two miscellaneous crap tables. I want to organise at least one of them and equip it with a stationary holder, pen box and other jazzy things so I have a place where I can write, research and be productive over the three months I'm going to be spending here! 

02. Creating

♥ Win Camp NaNoWriMo! >> I tried to do NaNoWriMo (Don't know what it is? Click here!) back in November, and I did pretty well but I had so much work to get done. I got four essays in two weeks! So I had to prioritize and give up. However there is another opportunity during the summer and I've decided to give it another go. It started today and will go for a month. I've manged to complete today so I'm feeling good. If all goes well I may share a snippet of what I'm writing here!
♥ Create an Inspiration Board >> This is to go with the aforementioned desk space. I've always wanted to make a big board full of the things I love and find inspiring but I've just never gotten round to it. Well no excuses! I've spent ages looking at Pinterest and Weheartit at other people's and have found a big board in which to create my masterpiece! Should be interesting!
♥ Start Scrap-booking >> Another thing I've wanted to do for ever and ever! I just want to make something to keep all of my lists and drawings and favourite magazine articles and quotes and photos of the days I spend with my friends and family. I've finally purchased one from Paperchase, this one if you're interested. I'm starting to invest in colouring/ arty bits and pieces and even if I only fill a few pages I'll be happy that I've made a start.

If you have any plans for July definitely let me know! 


  1. i'm currently sorting out/organising/decluttering my bedroom as i'm off to uni in september, it's taking me soo long but it feels so good to throw things out! i'm going to do a car boot with all my unwanted belongings, haha! xx

    1. Ooh that's a good idea! I just feel like I'd end up buying a load of other people's tat and go home with that! xx

  2. I chucked out a load of beauty products that are old and that I never used and it was such a great feeling! x

  3. July must be a clear out month because I did the same! Cleared out all my beauty products and old clothes too. Had 5 binbags of unwanted stuff! But there is still no space in my bedroom, how does that even work?!xox



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