20 Ways to Cure a Down Day


01. Put on a pair of freshly washed jammies, preferably still warm from the dryer/ radiator.
02. Buy yourself lovely fresh flowers and brighten up your rooms with them.
03. Re-organise your room. Maybe look up some Feng Sui tips online (even if you think it's a load of poop)
04. Snuggle up with your pet. If you lack a pet, the nearest person will do!
05. Watch reruns of ancient comedies on GOLD.
06. Find a hilarious meme from a fandom you and a friend both love, and tweet it to them!
07. Dress up real fancy, do your hair and makeup beautifully and just take a quick stroll to buy some bread!
08. Write down your hopes and dreams, and stick them somewhere you'll see them every day.
09. Blend a pear, 2 kiwis, half a melon, natural yoghurt and ice for the most refreshing, yummy, healthy smoothie ever.
10. List down the weirdest celebrity crushes you've ever had. Get someone else to do this with you and laugh at each other.
11. Go on Kukee.co.uk and feel smug as you buy three pieces of lovely jewellery for a tenner!
12. Snoop around in other people's blog recommendations and find some new reads.
13. Spend a day wrapped in a duvet watching a whole series of a sweet girly feel-good anime.
14. Have a facebook cull. Delete those people who moan or plaster their drama everywhere, or are just boring.
15. Clear out your wardrobe and donate your unwanted clothes to charity, where they'll do some good.
16. Gather whoever you can and go on a spontaneous adventure to a park or the seaside.
17. Get some paper and colouring pens/ pencils and draw a really beautiful mandala. It's so theraputic and at the end you have amazing, personal art.
18. Purchase a really expensive makeup product. I've got my eye on a Chanel cream blush when I next feel the need. .
19. Write down a list of things you're grateful for. Often we get so wrapped up in our difficulties that we forget all the things we're lucky to have in our lives.
20. If all else fails, just have a good giggle at the following pictures.

all pictures found on Pinterest


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