Five Blogs to Follow Vol. II


A very new discovery for me, I only found her blog yesterday but I already love it! It's a mostly beauty focused blog with a sprinkling of book, fashion and personal posts. Her writing is earnest and adorable and anyone who lists their main goal in life as "to be happy" is someone I want to know.

Holly's blog is like the scrapbook of some dreamy yet articulate poet and I feel like she has such a deep beautiful soul. She has a such a dreamy writing style with which she shares exquisite snapshots of her thoughts and ideas about life accompanied by beautifully taken pictures and stunning collages she creates.

This Argentinian fashion blogger and musician has a style that I just adore. Think deep luxurious vampy fabrics paired with creamy lace and  tough leather. Every outfit is a beautiful ensemble and although I'm not brave enough to imitate her more daring outfits she definitely inspires me to think about textures and structure of an outfit.

A good friend of mine and the creator of the Bloggers Library, (currently on hiatus) Kirsty's blog is one of my favourites for beauty. Her reviews are so in depth and informative but always interesting and fun to read. She does a lot of varied and interesting posts and I'm always curious to see what she'll do next!

I've been reading Olivia's blog for quite a while but this feature isn't just for new discoveries, it's also for old favourites! Olivia is utterly adorable and her fashion and beauty blog is one of my favourite reads when I'm sat on my bed with a cuppa. Her writing is very readable and the whole blog is pink and cozy and sweet.

 I hope you have a look at some of these blogs, they're all by girls I feel I would love to know in real life. Their blogs are full of personality and they seem so sweet and clever and witty!

Let me know your favourite blogs, I'm always looking to add to my blogroll.


  1. Love these posts! It's so great to find new blogs xx

    Essie | The Li'l Sparrow

  2. Aawww! Thank you for putting me in this list, It really made my day :)


  3. Thank you so much for featuring me - I'm truly so, so flattered by your lovely, lovely review. You've made my day :)

    Holly xx

    1. You're welcome, you definitely deserve it! :) x

  4. wow, didnt expect to be mentioned here!
    I was just popping by your blog and saw this! :)
    Really sweet of you

    Dolly Daydream


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