Summer Reading List


I'm due to go on holiday in a few weeks! (August the tenth to be precise) it's probably one of the last holidays I'll take with my family as in a few years I'll be out of uni and striking out on my own! (I hope) And it's been a really busy year for all of us, My parents have both had really tough times with work, my little brother had his GCSEs to stress over and, as I've mentioned  I've just finished my first year of uni, so we're having a lovely relaxing villa break in Menorca! So I'm looking forward to lying by the pool with a tall icy glass of diet coke and just enjoying some good books. This is what I'll be taking with me to read, although I have a few more free books downloaded on my kindle If I manage to get through all of these.

.When God Was a Rabbit - Sarah Winman.

I confess this one was actually stolen from mama's bookshelf. She bought it quite a while ago and the title and pretty cover always appealed to me. She enjoyed it and, although we have very different tastes it sounds like something I would also enjoy! The back doesn't give much away, just that it's a book about love, particularly between a brother and sister. I have to say in a society of romances chucked into every story, I absolutely love a good book or film about familial or platonic (non-romantic) love, I think they're often far more interesting and emotional than typical romances. Plus I assume there'll be a fluffy bunny involved and that sounds good to me! 

.The Hundred Year Old Man - Jonas Jonasson.

I may have shortened the title slightly... This book has been getting amazing reviews on Goodreads and as my summer job is working at an old people's home it's something I'm really interested to read. The title basically says what it's about, a man in a retirement home, on his one hundredth birthday climbs out of his window and runs away and has all sorts of escapades. Sounds adorable and funny so I can't wait to read it. 

.The Emperor's Edge - Lindsay Buroker.

Finally my Kindle, which comes with me anywhere that I might end up sat awkward and alone and need something to read. The Emperor's Edge was a free book in the Kindle store which is quite often a synonym for 'not particularly good' but, having looked it up in Goodreads, (THE site for book lovers might I add!) I saw that it had very positive comments. It's set in a steampunk universe and follows a young enforcer (essentially police officer) as she attempts to deal with a conspiracy to kill the Emperor! I've already read a few chapters and am enjoying it so far :)

Hopefully I'll get through all these, either on the two hour flights there and back or while relaxing by our pool. I'll definitely give a reviews once I'm done. I've been wanting to get back into my book reviews as I've been stuck reading uni books for the last few months! But now that I have free time I can enjoy good books and share my favourites with you guys :)

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you've read any of these books or if more book reviews would be something you'd like to read here on BELLAETC xxx


  1. Ooh thanks I love book list posts! I've just gotten back into reading- never found time at uni with all the set reading we had, but now I work full time it's nice to go outside on lunch break and get stuck in to a good read! I think I'll be trying out the hundred yr old man! I've just finished reading Precious Thing by Colette McBeth, which hasn't been released yet but I highly recommend it! I think it'll be on amazon soon but I couldn't put it down!! Have an amazing holiday :-)

    Rosie x

    1. I'll definitely look it up :P I know, even though Im doing an English degree I still end up with no time to read! x

  2. I have The Hundred Year Old Man in my 'to read' list. I've heard good things about it. I need to get on with some reading!

  3. i really want a kindle! i read on my ipad but its a little too bulky. i havent read any of these books.. i need to do a book haul.

    from Brigitte at // BlogLovin' | BreezeyBee Blog

    dont forget to enter my RiRi Woo Giveaway Here


    1. I like the kindle better than an ipad too, It's a lot sturdier and I don't fear dropping it! x

  4. I read When God Was A Rabbit a while ago and I really enjoyed it. Yes there is a rabbit ;)

    Water Painted Dreams

  5. Lovely post! Look forwards to the reviews xx

    Essie | The Li'l Sparrow


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