Crafty | Reinventing Old Jewellery



I've wanted to start featuring DIYs on here for a while, so I thought I'd start off with a really simple way to reinvent old or unwanted jewellery. The only things you need are said pieces of jewellery, makeup sponges and nail polishes you don't mid using quite a bit of. A white nail polish is very helpful but not completely necessary. You'll also want to make sure you have a protected surface to work on (I just used some scrap paper to work on)

First off the ring! I bought this one from Primark a while back but didn't wear it as often as I thought I would so might benefit from a revamp. I started off by sponging a good layer of white polish. I think this is a good idea for any darker jewellery. I ended up doing two coats and letting it dry for a few minutes. 
Then I used three lovely pastel shades and sponged in layers gradually building up the colour. The below picture is before it's final coat and the top picture is the finished result. 

Next the necklace! This was attached to a top that Mama bought a while back, she liked the top but the necklace just sat in a drawer until I found it! Neon jewellery is popular at the moment so I decided to use bright highlighter shades to get this piece up to date. In the end I only used the pink and decided that any more would over do it, though a necklace with panels would probably look amazing with different neons side by side. I did get a little polish on the links but a little nail polish remover took care of that! 

I hope you try out this little crafty project, it's really easy and a great way to breathe life into any old jewellery that's just lying around. Feel free to share this idea on your own blogs too! Thankyou for reading!


  1. This is a really great idea! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  2. Great post! :) I think I'll go hunting in my room for some old jewellery to brighten up haha x

  3. I'm loving what you've done with the ring, i love pastels! x

  4. Love this idea!!! Such an easy way to upcycle your jewelry.

    I'd love for you to share this at "That's My Style" Link Party TOMORROW!!! Hope to see you there!

    Karla @


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